Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Earlier this month students across the UK will have found themselves getting up early for the first times in months!

With Covid cases easing in certain areas, the government made the decision to open schools back up, in line with the new academic year.

Covid-19 has brought upon much uncertainty across the globe, but this month, it is students returning to school who may feel an influx in Covid related anxiety.

At Milk we believe that it is essential students get back into education, and that they feel comfortable in doing so. However, we understand that this might be easier for some than others. Therefore, we have gathered tips, advice and comments from health experts all over the world that will help students deal with any Covid related anxiety they are suffering with.

Tip 1 – From Dr. Ravi Dasan, Private GP on Harley Street

Exercise is important to reduce stress, so start to build in a daily 30 minutes of exercise. It might be walking to school or following a TV workout when you get home. Build in happy times, whether that is a night with friends, a binge-fest of your favourite Netflix, a relaxed night on your own, or a treat Friday meal.

Life has changed in immeasurable ways, but you cannot change it back. Try to accept how things are, look for the silver linings and remember that this time will pass.

Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Tip 2 – From Dr. Giuseppe Aragona, GP & Family Doctor at Prescription Doctor

If you or someone you love is struggling with the anxiety of going back to school, the best thing to remember is the locus of control. It is a mindfulness technique, and perfect for a situation like this. You write down everything you can control, such as washing your hands, carrying hand sanitiser you and practising social distancing. Then you write down what you cannot control, such as wondering if other people are being hygienic, and whether the school is taking the pandemic seriously. Then you only focus on what you can control, and practice putting these actions into place daily.

Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Tip 3 – From Morgan Champion, School Counsellor at Connections Academy

Start a gratitude journal. Research proves that gratitude can positively impact the brain and wellbeing. At the start or conclusion of each day, write at least three things you are grateful for and discuss with family and friends.

Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Tip 4 – From Jason Wilkinson, Marriage and Family Therapist at Wellspace Counselling

Meditation can be an incredibly valuable tool and can be implemented in a daily routine. Studies have shown that as little as five-to-ten minutes a day of this mindfulness practice has a valuable impact on your anxiety.

Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Tip 5 – From Chris Norris, Certified Sleep Science Coach at Sleep Standards

Limit media consumption. During this time, too much media consumption can increase anxiety. So, limit your media consumption to a certain number of hours or a certain number of articles, and try to stay away from negative news!

Stay connected with loved ones. Having a support system in challenging times or stressful times is important. It will be helpful to spend time with your family and stay connected with your friends.

Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Tip 6 – From Dr. Ceppie Merry, Medical Doctor at Healthy but Smart

Breathing exercises have been shown to help with anxiety, and the video below outlines how to perform the 4-7-8 breathing exercise.

The tips above are personal practices students can implement into their everyday routine to ease their Covid anxiety. However, it is also important to remember that schools across the UK have implemented various Covid measures to ensure their school environment is safe for students.

Whether you plan on limiting your social media consumption or you intend to try some breathing exercises, always make sure you talk to your family, friends or teachers about any worries or concerns you have. A problem shared is a problem halved!