When the going gets tough, schools get creative
“Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. How schools are getting ever more inventive when it comes to fundraising Parents’ noses were put out of joint recently when a head texted them about the late payment of school dinner money. Wales Online reported: “Parents […]
21 Tips to help you survive your first year in teaching

“The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it.” John Ruskin 21 Tips to help you survive your first year in teaching Daunting, exhilarating, incredibly rewarding – your NQT year is quite a ride. And one thing’s for sure: you’ll be bombarded with […]
Back to school – already?
“Back to school” – already? Every year it’s the same. We’ve barely begun the summer holidays and the papers talk of “Back to school”. Work worries whilst on holiday certainly seem like a rude interruption. Without spoiling your well-earned break, what is the best way to prepare without exhausting yourself before teaching that first lesson? […]
Newent Community School

Newent Community School & Sixth Form Centre introduced Milk (My Interactive Learning Kit). We asked Ann Price, Business Manager, about the school’s experience. What’s been the overall feedback from Milk users? Staff have been predominantly positive. Students have been happy. 79% of parents have said that MILK has been a positive way forward and 74% […]
Drawbacks of making homework too visible
Blog 22 - Inside Milk - Drawbacks - Milk Student Planner SystemDrawbacks of making homework too visible A challenge from using an online homework planner was recently brought to my attention by a deputy head teacher. Her school decided to switch over to Milk and abandon their existing digital homework diary with another supplier. Apart from this school’s appraisal of Milk’s functionality, a motivating factor in […]