Why Milk and Google Classroom together provides a powerful combination

If your school uses Google Classroom, your team may have noticed some of these limitations. The biggest hurdle of using Google classroom comes from its ability to engage parents due to its option for parents to opt out of email updates. Schools have long had email systems in place, but “email boredom” and inbox clutter […]
School communication through Milk
Our latest tool in the box “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” John Ruskin We, at Milk, live by Ruskin’s sentiments. We’re constantly looking to modify and tweak, and innovate and improve our student planner app. Our mission? To enhance the working lives of teachers, lightening the […]
A day in the life with your Milk (My Interactive Learning Kit)
“The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley” Robert Burns, 1785 A day in the life with your Milk (My Interactive Learning Kit) Teaching is the best job in the world, but it doesn’t always quite go to plan. Some days it feels like you’re doing more firefighting than teaching. It makes […]
How to make the most of your Milk (My Interactive Learning Kit)
We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world. David Warlick How to make the most of your Milk Admin appears out of control. Anecdotes and wide-ranging […]
Top ten time-saving tips for teachers
Where does all the time go? There’s never enough of the stuff. As teachers, we’re master plate-spinners, but the better we get, the more plates they throw in our direction. Sometimes it feels that the only way to get everything done is to camp out in school and not go home until the end of […]
Back to school – already?
“Back to school” – already? Every year it’s the same. We’ve barely begun the summer holidays and the papers talk of “Back to school”. Work worries whilst on holiday certainly seem like a rude interruption. Without spoiling your well-earned break, what is the best way to prepare without exhausting yourself before teaching that first lesson? […]
‘Administrator’ vs. ‘Teacher’ access
Blog 15 - Access - Milk Student Planner System‘Administrator’ vs. ‘Teacher’ access This is one of the most common questions we get asked and it’s important to know the distinction because knowing the difference can help your school decide which member of staff should be granted ‘administrator’ access.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”10″] Can we have more than one ‘administrator’ user? Yes, schools typically grant […]
Checking your connection to Milk
Blog 16 - Connection - Milk Student Planner SystemService Status & Connection If you are experiencing problems connecting with Milk’s server it is likely to be an Internet connectivity fault between your school and our servers. Common causes are slow internet or intermittent wireless access. These events are beyond Milk’s control and rarely due to a service disruption on our side. If you […]