Why Milk and Google Classroom together provides a powerful combination

If your school uses Google Classroom, your team may have noticed some of these limitations. The biggest hurdle of using Google classroom comes from its ability to engage parents due to its option for parents to opt out of email updates.  Schools have long had email systems in place, but “email boredom” and inbox clutter […]

School communication through Milk

Our latest tool in the box   “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” John Ruskin We, at Milk, live by Ruskin’s sentiments. We’re constantly looking to modify and tweak, and innovate and improve our student planner app. Our mission? To enhance the working lives of teachers, lightening the […]

Progress vs. Grades

Blog 17 - Progress vs Grades - Milk Student Planner System

Progress vs. Grades Many schools across the UK are placing now more emphasis on individual student subject understanding as opposed to focusing purely on the achievement of certain grades. [divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”20″] SIMS has been accommodating this new trend with an assessment traffic light display. With these changes to the Progress Grids, teachers using […]