Why Milk and Google Classroom together provides a powerful combination

If your school uses Google Classroom, your team may have noticed some of these limitations. The biggest hurdle of using Google classroom comes from its ability to engage parents due to its option for parents to opt out of email updates. Schools have long had email systems in place, but “email boredom” and inbox clutter […]
Why online homework is good for students, parents and teachers

Quality remote learning is needed now more than ever, with students required to work partly at school and partly face-to-face, online learning, such as online homework, must be just as inclusive and accessible at home as it is in school. As part of the remote learning practice, online homework is still an important activity. With […]
Distance Learning and the Future of Remote Education

Over the last few years, the prospect of distance learning has become increasingly popular, with people all over the UK taking part in educational courses online, without having to be present in front of a teacher. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, schools all over the UK have had to learn how to implement distance learning into […]
6 home and school Halloween activities for students

Halloween is just around the corner, and with trick or treating being put on pause this year, schools will need to bring their Halloween spirit out in full force! Some schools in the UK are back full time, however, some have implemented a model whereby some students are required to study from home whilst other […]
Tips from health experts for students dealing with Covid anxiety

Earlier this month students across the UK will have found themselves getting up early for the first times in months! With Covid cases easing in certain areas, the government made the decision to open schools back up, in line with the new academic year. Covid-19 has brought upon much uncertainty across the globe, but this […]
Back to school and the ‘new’ normal

“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.” Warren Buffett It’s been quite a few months. The ubiquity of the word “unprecedented” has been, well, unprecedented. The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has tested individuals, institutions, nations and their systems and processes to breaking point. Many have been exposed. I remain optimistic, […]
School communication through Milk
Our latest tool in the box “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” John Ruskin We, at Milk, live by Ruskin’s sentiments. We’re constantly looking to modify and tweak, and innovate and improve our student planner app. Our mission? To enhance the working lives of teachers, lightening the […]
When the going gets tough, schools get creative
“Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. How schools are getting ever more inventive when it comes to fundraising Parents’ noses were put out of joint recently when a head texted them about the late payment of school dinner money. Wales Online reported: “Parents […]
Should schools ban mobile devices?
“We spend the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve years telling them to sit down and shut up.” Phyllis Diller Unregulated use of phones round schools brings a host of problems But guided use of tech as a learning tool makes good common […]
Ten steps to overcoming edtechnophobia
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Henry Ford Ten steps to overcoming edtechnophobia Sometimes it takes a survey to prove what we’ve all long suspected. Over a third of pupils (37 per cent) feel that “teachers lack confidence in digital skills and therefore […]